When it comes to large rotating equipment, utilizing split seal rings offers a multitude of benefits. At JUNTY, we understand the importance of cost savings, easy installation without equipment disassembly, and the need to replace worn components efficiently. Our split seal rings eliminate the need for extensive maintenance, resulting in minimized downtime for equipment servicing. Furthermore, the versatility of our split seal rings allows us to customize them using various high-quality mechanical seal parts like Silicon Carbide (SSIC & RBSIC), Tungsten Carbide (6% Nickel TC & 6% Cobalt TC), and Carbon Graphite (Resin-impregnated & Metal-impregnated). With JUNTY’s split seal rings, you can enhance the performance and reliability of your large rotating equipment.

Rotary Unions Seal Rings for Reliable Sealing


In fluid and gas control industries, reliable sealing is crucial for precise operations and avoiding leakages. JUNTY specializes in manufacturing custom rotary unions seal rings using top-notch materials such as Silicon Carbide (SSIC & RBSIC), Tungsten Carbide (6% Nickel TC & 6% Cobalt TC), Carbon Graphite (Resin-impregnated & Metal-impregnated), and Aluminum oxide. Our expertise ensures that our rotary unions seal rings meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Additionally, the versatility of our rotary unions seal rings allows them to be utilized in different environments and applications, providing dependable sealing solutions tailored to your specific needs.


High-Quality Materials for Mechanical Seal Rings


At JUNTY, we prioritize using high-quality materials to manufacture our mechanical seal rings. Our range includes Silicon Carbide (SSIC & RBSIC), Tungsten Carbide (6% Nickel TC & 6% Cobalt TC), Carbon Graphite (Resin-impregnated & Metal-impregnated), Aluminum oxide (95% ceramic, 97% ceramic, 99% ceramic, and 99.5% ceramic), and zirconia oxide. These materials possess excellent mechanical properties, such as high durability, chemical resistance, and thermal stability. They are well-suited for various operating conditions, ensuring the reliability and longevity of our mechanical seal rings.




JUNTY’s split seal rings offer a versatile solution for large rotating equipment, providing cost savings, easy installation, and reliable sealing without extensive maintenance. Our expertise in manufacturing rotary unions seal rings enables precise sealing in fluid and gas control industries. With a wide range of high-quality materials at our disposal, we can customize our mechanical seal rings to meet diverse industry requirements. As your trusted partner, JUNTY is committed to enhancing the performance and reliability of your equipment. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and experience the exceptional quality of our mechanical seal parts.